Frequently Asked Questions

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Book Questions

When will Volume 2 of Southern California Vital Records be published?

Virtually all of the data for Volume 2 (Los Angeles County 1860-1869) has already been compiled, and data checking and formatting is underway.  Unfortunately, since the first volume was not profitable, publication of additional volumes can only take place if grant funding can be obtained to cover printing and distribution costs.  We are currently investigating sources of such funding so that additional volumes can be published.

Do you carry any Avotaynu publications for Jewish genealogy?
Generations Press does not stock any Avotaynu publications at this time, because we try to offer books at deep discounts, and we are not able to do this with Avotaynu publications.  Avotaynu is the leading publisher of Jewish genealogical materials, and you can find more information about their products at Avotaynu's own web site.

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