Generations Press Books

Generations Press publishes and sells books for genealogists in the areas of Jewish genealogy, Southern California genealogical resources, and immigration research.  As a publishing company, we began publishing our first books in 2001.  As a bookseller, we offer both used books and heavily discounted new books from other publishers.   Most of books from other publishers are publishers' closeouts or remainders.

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Our first volume is available now!  Southern California Vital Records:  Volume 1, Los Angeles County 1850-1859 is an index to births, marriages and deaths in Los Angeles County at a time when public vital records were incomplete or non-existent.  Read about our other planned publications on our Generations Press Publications page.

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Generations Press also offers a variety of used books, publishers' closeouts and remainders related to Jewish genealogy and California local history; as well as maps, atlases, gazetteers, travel guides and other geographically oriented books.  Our focus is on titles that we can offer at very low prices to cost-conscious genealogists.  The selection constantly changes, so please stop by to see what we have today.

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Southern California Vital Records:  Volume 1, Los Angeles County 1850-1859, by Ted Gostin. title.jpg (5749 bytes)
Although California became a state in 1850, official recording of most vital records did not begin until many years later. In Los Angeles County, for example, the earliest county birth and death records begin in 1873, while city deaths start in 1877 and births in 1879.  This volume begins to fill in these gaps by indexing vital records recorded in a variety of sources, including Los Angeles County newspapers, probate and divorce records, marriage records, California mission registers, local histories, biographical dictionaries, published personal memoirs, and census records.  The area covered includes all of modern Los Angeles and Orange Counties, as well as parts of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.  This will be the first of several volumes dealing with early Southern California vital records.  Additional volumes will cover Los Angeles County in the 1860s, 1870s and 1880s; San Bernardino County; San Diego County; and Santa Barbara County.  Published July 2001.

ball_red.gif (334 bytes)    Volume 2, Los Angeles and Orange Counties 1860-1869    ball_red.gif (334 bytes)
In the works!

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